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Sports Chiropractic Care

Dr. DelMedico was a high school and college level multi-sport athlete.

He especially knows of the rigorous demands sports have on your body. This is actually how Dr. Tim was introduced to chiropractic care. He sustained an injury while playing baseball and used chiropractic care to rebound from it. You can also use chiropractic to boost your performance.

Almost 100% of Pro athletes as well as Olympic athletes use it. Do they know something we don’t? They know they run faster after being adjusted. They jump higher. They swim faster. They ski faster. They don’t get tired as fast. They can lift more weight. They can train longer. It keeps them from getting injured. The body works better all around.

We love working with athletes at Realm and at our satellite office inside OB Training and Sports Performance. Schedule an evaluation today at either location. You’ll be glad you did.